.topic Contents=0 Contents {TopicA} {TopicB} {TopicC} This topic is shown when there are no previous topics or no Help context defined. This mimics the BC IDE. .topic HelpOnHelp=2 Help on Help Available commands shown on the Status line. By default, the HelpOnHelp help page is topic 2 and is defined in TOYPREFS. If you want to change this, use a help context file to override the TOYPREFS value, see TOYPREFS. .topic UsingHelp Using Help In the BP IDE, File³Using help brings up the Help On Help topic. Press F1 to see that topic now. .topic Intro Welcome to TVToys for C v1.0 Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß TVToys is a collection of tools useful to every TV programmer. This is the C++ version, it's based on the Pascal version and it shows, I'm afraid. { What TVToys is :Old} { Demo topics :TopicA} .topic Old What TVToys Is Ü ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß An improved HelpFile with back tracking and several bug fixes Video mode searching and selection dialog EGA, VGA, SVGA, Video 7 and VESA supported TVToys DOES NOT SUPPORT smFont8x8, use ToggleVideoLines Also see the Changes section in README.TXT .topic TopicA Topic A {TopicB} {TopicC} .topic TopicB Topic B {TopicA} {TopicC} .topic TopicC Topic C {TopicA} {TopicB}